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WishWeHadStarships t1_itp636p wrote

An asteroid is not our problem. The probability of us wiping ourself out and all animal life on earth alongside/before us is much higher than an asteroid affecting our lives.

I’m not saying it’s impossible, earth historically has been hit by many asteroids. But given that we are in our last 100 years, I think we should have different priorities.

Space travel as EPIC as it and its R&D may be, should be halted alongside many other currently useless economic activities. We should be saving our plannet, guarantee life for the next hundreds of generations and maybe then, turn to exploring around us and watching for asteroids.


12edDawn t1_itps3n8 wrote

if you consider space exploration and research a useless activity, I'm not sure you want to be subscribed to this Reddit.


WishWeHadStarships t1_itz7d7p wrote

I love space and check out my USN I just think we have different priorities. What use is a space ship or anti asteroid technology if we are all dead which is guaranteed to happen in a 100 years vs a 0.00000000000x % chance of actually being alive during an asteroid impact.

Y’all trolling.


dan_dares t1_itpby3b wrote

An asteroid MAY be a problem,

without looking, we don't know.

and without having a plan saved for a rainy day, it's basically planning to fail.

no one is looking to travel to an asteroid, this is about coming up with a really good plan and look out for something that might kill millions and harm the earths ecosystems (i'm talking about smaller than planet killers here, which there are many more)

it's also not an exclusive thing.