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dramignophyte t1_itay9be wrote

Dark matter is my favorite subject but I hate talking about it because everyone assumes you're being edgy or they go off on spirituality rants. Or the last most common one is everyone goes "so they think they are smart?..." And go into takedown mode without bothering to actually talk to you. On rare occasions that people attempt to discuss it, they question literally every point but not as curiosity but as a "did you personally prove time slows down the faster you go? How do you know space time curves?" And its like "okay yes... There is room for those to be wrong but if you make me prove every single step this wont be a conversation, it will be a class, can we just work off some other people stuff at face value just for this conversation?


undeterred_turtle t1_itb4wfj wrote

I hope my comment didn't come off as pseudo-intelligence... I'm just genuinely curious. I don't know much about dark matter/energy but I'd love to learn more.