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SunStockMan t1_iskfn6y wrote

One thing that we have learned over the years is that humans know how to create waste


Tomycj t1_islk2uj wrote

Humanity is becoming more efficient, not less. We produce far less waste per product than in the past. It's just that we produce more (edit for clarity: more products).


SunStockMan t1_islmbwv wrote

According to the United Nations report on waste, only 7 countries have reduced waste over the last 10 years with the United States leading the way. China, India, Nigeria and several others have increased the amount of garbage dumped into land fills and the ocean by more than 25%.


Tomycj t1_ismt1xj wrote

> only 7 countries have reduced waste over the last 10 years with the United States leading the way

That's according to what I said. You are talking in absolute terms, I'm talking in relative terms. It's weird you didn't understand, please read with more care my previous comment.

My point is that we've become better at producing useful things, not at producing waste. Waste is a byproduct that we're getting better at avoiding, for a given amount of production.


SunStockMan t1_isnj4ty wrote

Relatively your wrong as well - so sad that you think by altering the verbiage that you will somehow be correct. You believe too much of the bullshit talking points instead looking at the facts .... However, if you choose to believe that the moon is made of cheese, so be it. BTW, SpongeBob is a cartoon, he is not real


Tomycj t1_isod4ju wrote

Not a single counter argument given. Just "nah your wrong".

We produce less waste per loaf of bread made, per book fabricated, per pipe installed. It's just that we make more bread, more books, more pipes.

It's not that hard to understand lol.


SunStockMan t1_isoq4sn wrote

So you are agreeing with me that you are wrong ..... are you ok? Seriously, have you mixed medications? Maybe id you lie down it will help.


SunStockMan t1_isnjaxr wrote

SO the 1,183 pounds in a Tesla is creating less waste??? Stupidity has no bounds. Keep following your leaders fake talking points ... lol


Tomycj t1_isocsr0 wrote

yes, because a tesla does not necessarily consume hundreds of barrels of oil during its lifetime.


SunStockMan t1_isof9tf wrote

Are you ok? We are talking about waste. Stick with the topic. Don't deflect somewhere else because you realize your argument is WRONG. get a grip. Take a deep breath. Oh, and read before you make ridiculous, unsubstantiated statements.


Tomycj t1_isogezv wrote

Fuel production produces waste. Fuel consumption produces CO2. Is now my statement substantiated enough for you? lol


SunStockMan t1_isoqedn wrote

Have you been mixing your medications? Enjoy the life hat you have fabricated inside your head