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UmbralRaptor t1_isyigz5 wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in En Route to Neptune by [deleted]

There can be (IIRC, there are a few holes in some of the ISS' panels), though that's more of "make sure you have a sufficiently tough structure that it can take the hits and still provide spare power".

Also, er, I was assuming that you'd use a nuclear reactor or something given how far from the sun Neptune is.


[deleted] OP t1_isyjgin wrote

I'm writing a short story, I came up with a conceit.


[deleted] OP t1_isyjsnj wrote

What other debris can harm the spacecraft?


UmbralRaptor t1_isymc4o wrote

I mean, I'd avoid flying it through Saturn's ring plane, the ring arcs around Neptune, or especially close to a comet, but space is in general pretty empty.