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blackhawks-fan t1_iryuis1 wrote

It's as legit as it can be. You pay your money and you get a print out with the location of the star and other useless information.

It's a genius racket.


Mighty-Lobster t1_iryudsb wrote

If you already know it's not official, then I'm not sure what question you are asking. I don't have to click on it to tell you that it's bullshit. A random dude put up a website and wants your money. What else do you need to know?

If you want, send me 100 bucks and I will name any star you want after you. And at least I am an astronomer. I'll save the name on a spreadsheet on Google drive.


NACRHypeMan OP t1_iryup05 wrote

What I'm saying is some of these websites just claim they've named a star, it's some random fucking fartball in another hemisphere in buttfuckegypt galaxy and they just send you some crap paperwork and a gift card for a moon t-shirt

This particular site tho, only does 3 types of stars, specifically north America, and gives you information on how to actually see it, and also look at it virtually.


Mighty-Lobster t1_iryvg2n wrote

>What I'm saying is some of these websites just claim they've named a star

That's what all of them do.


>This particular site tho, only does 3 types of stars, specifically north America,

How is a star in north America different from a star in Europe, or a Russia, or China? All of them are in the northern hemisphere.

If you want, I will name Polaris after your gf. I'll charge $75. Guaranteed to be in "North America".

Seriously though, why don't you pick your own star then? Pick a nice star in the northern hemisphere and print your own piece of paper saying that it's yours.


NACRHypeMan OP t1_iryvkr0 wrote

Thank you for the incredible lack of help


Mighty-Lobster t1_iryvvy8 wrote

>Thank you for the incredible lack of help

I am being 100% helpful. Just because you do not like reality does not mean it is not helpful.

Ask yourself, in all honesty, how is my offer to sell you Polaris any worse than that website you are asking about. Serious question. You know that it's not official either way, and you know that Polaris is in the north and easy to observe. My offer meets every requirement you laid out with flying colors. If my offer sounds absurd to you, then ask yourself why some other website would be better.


NACRHypeMan OP t1_iryw9r2 wrote

What I'm asking is if this particular website is actually a fucking scam, or is just selling the process.

Some of these sites are legitimate scams where they literally make up a star, and send you some bullshit charts.

Some of them are legit, where they actually, albeit not officially, "name" a star after your thing and send you the info on how to see it. And you can actually look at it. It's not officially named but it is a sweet gesture.

I'm asking if this particular site is bullshit or not. I'm not asking about how you feel about star registries. Im not asking about the star itself. I'm asking if this site is an actual bullshit scam, or just a place unofficially naming stars and giving info on how to look at them.


SpartanJack17 t1_irywxhe wrote

None of them use stars you can see with the naked eye. There are actually only around 5000 stars visible to the human eye, and that's taking both hemispheres into account.


NACRHypeMan OP t1_iryx073 wrote

Other posters are contradicting this

Reddit I guess


SpartanJack17 t1_iryxeii wrote

The only comment I can see that could possible be contradicting this is talking about using a telescope. I'm talking about naked eye visibility because I assumed you were as well.


Mighty-Lobster t1_iryyc9h wrote

>What I'm asking is if this particular website is actually a fucking scam, or is just selling the process.
>Some of these sites are legitimate scams where they literally make up a star, and send you some bullshit charts.

I will sell you Polaris. I will be selling you the process. I will not make up a star, it's definitely going to be Polaris.


pete_68 t1_iryvag2 wrote

I can totally legit name a star for you for $60. I'll even let you pick the star out.

By totally legit, I don't mean it's official. But I'll name it whatever you want. I promise.


SpartanJack17 t1_irywpzn wrote

Hello u/NACRHypeMan, your submission "How Legitimate is this particular star naming website?" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


Shuber-Fuber t1_irywrmn wrote

Well, all you're buying is a piece of paper claiming you bought it and a pinkie promise from them that if anyone asked them they'll say you bought it.

If that's all you're looking for, then yes, it's legit.


LowGradePlayer t1_irywwfy wrote

Just print out a nice looking document yourself.

That’s all you’ve paying for anyway.


iwillneverreadthiscr t1_iryx415 wrote

Fuck the stars! I'll name a PLANET after your pet, bro. Or a black hole, whatever you want. These are my rates, hit me up on IM with the name you want. I'll reply with my crypto wallet.

Any moon of Saturn -$25 SOLD OUT

Any moon of Jupiter -$25 LIMITED SUPPLY

Inner planet: -$50

Outer planet: -$75

Exoplanet -$125

Super earth -$250

Black hole -$500

Pulsar -$750 - RARE!

Super nova -$750 - RARE!

Galaxy -$1,000


kato1301 t1_iryudq2 wrote

I bought a twin star(binary) for parents - we plumbed co rods into go to scope and it popped up in view finder. You get a nice certificate and various detail about the star etc - but yeah - in 10,000 years when someone visits that star, your not going to be allowed to charge them rent lol.


NACRHypeMan OP t1_iryutgc wrote

So it is actually something they can see? I ask because they do have a telescope

I know it's not officially named, I just want something they can see


johndburger t1_irywudl wrote

If you know the naming part is bullshit, and your main concern is that it’s a real star you could look at, why don’t you just pick one yourself from a real catalog, and name it yourself?


NACRHypeMan OP t1_irywxnd wrote

Makes a bit better of a gift when it's got some "official"ness behind it


kato1301 t1_iryxfit wrote

Too scared to reply - oooh the down votes lol. Yes - can see the star system but hey, real? Don’t know. Package was nice though.


NACRHypeMan OP t1_iryxmp3 wrote

Thank you for the help. I'm going to look into it further. I think she'll find it a nice gesture, she really loved that cat