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Competitive-Belt7051 t1_iuj1p1b wrote

Am I the only one having a stroke while reading this


Beanholey t1_iuj3e8m wrote

This made me upset.

This is worse than 'How is babby formed'


FDorbust t1_iuj2l7u wrote

It is arguably already so. A government is its own living entity and the people are the cells.

It is born, it grows, it grows old, and it dies.

It is even conscious of itself. It’s DNA is a mix between it’s written laws and the memories of its cells (the people)

It has a brain of sorts, muscles, immune system, etc.


Critical_Snow_1080 t1_iujrzq8 wrote

But does it procreate?


FDorbust t1_iujtdrr wrote

Britain gave birth to a shit ton.

They are Omni-sexual. They reproduce sexually and A-sexually.

They fuck whatever they can and try really hard not to give birth but it always happens if they survive to maturity. Sometimes their children are born from their corpses.

Oh my god this would make a great horror movie.


DueLaw5526 t1_iuj332i wrote

Human is one of the results of many cells grouping together to form a complex group of Systems working together to survive; Environment probably takes the most credit for how big creatures can be; So a bigger animal made of Humans would need to get resources to feed x "Humans" + himself.


Noob_KY t1_iuj41q9 wrote

I don’t want to be part of the excretory system.


CrazyKarlRove t1_iuj551t wrote

You need to read more. Your thoughts aren't original or well articulated and you don't have a solid grasp of biology or cosmology. You don't know enough for anyone to easily explain this to you. You're asking us to start at a very low level and take it up through college. Educate yourself instead of expecting others to do it.


FDorbust t1_iujsuqn wrote

Holy shit. Can you be anymore condescending?


Emergent444 t1_iuj83ex wrote

Listening to an erudite podcast on parasitism last week. We all know our bodies contain bacteria and lots of tiny other non human species in gut, skin, even inside cells. Prof says d'you know much of your body is actually human cells? By mass, approx the same as one leg from the knee down only.


DiligentBat3839 t1_iujbs2t wrote

Not sure why everyone is having such a hard time understanding but I get what your saying, I believe this could be. However we will never know. There is a theory to go with this but I do not recall what it is


DiligentBat3839 t1_iujcjbu wrote

Basically everything we can see in the entire universe could be in a single atom


beerkenz t1_iuje799 wrote

Earth is a giant animal , tjink of it that way


TeloVolt t1_iujrr3u wrote

I think we are 🦠 on one of the cells of some god and he is still young and growing that's why we think space is getting bigger. Also big bang was just spermatozoon getting into ovum.


IKENTHINGS t1_iujtklc wrote

Scarlett Johansson movie Lucy is hinting at just that. We are part of an organism exploring this universe. We just do not have the brain capacity to realize it. The basic unit, a cell, can choose to either be immortal or reproduce. Every single life in this universe is made up of the same basic unit. The only deviation are viruii that infect and destroy cells. Maybe, an immune system of this universe?


IKENTHINGS t1_iujufve wrote

The other hypothesis referred to is that this planet is a living being. Every time something happens, a counter process counteracts any changes. More carbon dioxide is produced, the more life absorbs. Unfortunately, we are releasing carbon dioxide from millions of years ago and the planet cannot cope. Same with plastic garbage although life still finds a way to utilize it. Plankton will utilize plastic garbage as anchor points and create miniature colonies that nurseries of marine animals proliferate in.

Note the planet’s way of coping is limited. Polar ice has melted and no way for the planet to compensate.


ep_soe t1_iujx9y1 wrote

That's a lot of words to say something that makes zero sense.


SpartanJack17 t1_iuk5mue wrote

Hello u/dilip2022, your submission "if humans are made up of cells, why not giant animal is made up of humans? why not we just a cell in giant animal.. we are not superior in the universe.. if we grow, from cell point of view ,expanding.. why not we take universe expanding is like giant animal growing... sorry just curious to know.." has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


Bornaia t1_iuj36r4 wrote

Because humans have different cells and DNA than animals. So we can't be made out of animals, nor than they be made out of us.


CrazyKarlRove t1_iuj4inr wrote

8% of your DNA is nonhuman and so are 57% of the cells in your body. If they were removed you'd die within a day or so.


slimygrinch t1_iuk6f78 wrote

We share close to 98% DNA with pigs, 82% with dogs, and 44%+ with a banana, etc etc. But carry on...


[deleted] t1_iuizssc wrote



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