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failurebeatssuccess t1_iuh7abx wrote

Eh? Mercury is always in its orbit. It doesn't take breaks from going around the sun.


Ligerbee OP t1_iuh7gws wrote

I'm saying how much of its orbit was completed on Oct 9th, 2006 since the last time it orbited the sun.


failurebeatssuccess t1_iuh7mxy wrote

Well its orbit is 88 days. So subtract 88 days from Oct the 9th and there is your answer (if I understand you correctly)

Edit: I work out as - July 13th


Ligerbee OP t1_iuh8llx wrote

That does not answer my question. How much of Mercury's orbit was completed? What day in its orbit was it in? day 20? day 50? day 80? One thing I know is that Mercury is in the Virgo constellation at this moment. and I can trace this back to 2006. But that still does not tell me where Mercury's orbit starts and ends. I really don't want to do the math to figure this out.