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someotherbitch t1_iu9tkin wrote

>plans on 30000

Nite time will be a thing of legends before the end of the century if humans aren't destroyed.


NightlyRelease t1_iu9ujmn wrote

Yes, due to light pollution. Starlink satellites are not visible in the sky (since the V2).


Arcosim t1_iu9wl5g wrote

It's unavoidable at this point. China is launching multiple constellations, one of which has 13K satellites (each sat 3x bigger than Starlink sats because they're also intended for 5G and two-way positioning) , there are several companies launching their own constellations, there are companies planning on launching illuminated satellites to create orbital ads (no kidding), there are companies already launching filament antenna satellites (super bright, outshining all planets and stars).

My guess is that in the near future the only way we'll be able to see the sky like our parents did will be in VR.


the_way_finder t1_iua1nj0 wrote

Lots of talk though

We’ll see what small percentage walks the talk


TheMace808 t1_iud4v3m wrote

Oh it’s not gonna be bad, they’re only really visible in the Dawn and dusk when they aren’t in their proper orbits. It does suck when they get in the way then though