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azermanus t1_iu2kb9r wrote

Apologies for the potato quality. I was driving in Flagstaff, AZ, totally unaware and saw the launch. Reversed my shutter so this was a screenshot of after I thought I finished filming 🤦‍♂️


IOwnCalculus t1_iu2kw1f wrote

Potato grade from Phoenix area, happened to be outside and wasted a solid thirty seconds wondering what I was looking at before getting my phone out.


futureslave t1_iu2n2rt wrote

Driving west on I 40. Spectacular sunset and the most delicate crescent moon. Then all of a sudden a contrail. It stuttered, then blossomed, then the second stage fell off and I finally understood what I was seeing.

It was incredible the way the contrail disintegrated into a rainbow in the fading light.


NESlover1 t1_iu2xn2i wrote

From Southern Arizona.

I honestly thought this was some kind of missile test when I saw it. It was relatively moving so darn fast from nearly two states away.


Routine_Shine_1921 t1_iu93xhk wrote

"That sign sticky thread can't stop me because I can't read" -> Everyone posting 4-31 pics to the sub.


TendieTimeForMe t1_iu4vz18 wrote

Does anyone have a flight map of the launch? People saw it from LA, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and even Texas.