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GtrPlaynFool t1_ith1mmr wrote

Do you have a handy link where I can download a higher res version of this?


Riegel_Haribo OP t1_itid5xp wrote

This is a lossless PNG after you click on it, 3840x3840. If you can't right-click,

Working resolution of both dithered modules was over 40000 pixels when I do subpixel alignment, but this depicted area is essentially 2048x2048 of a single NIRCam longwave sensor (expanded a bit by dither), overlaid with a grid of four of the same sensors in shortwave, so there is not more information to be seen.

Here's a full view of both modules at slightly higher resolution, but without a lot of the work done for presentation, download button lower right:


Alien_Fruit t1_itk6iqs wrote

Took a screen shot of the first link above -- this is going onto my monitor back-screen ... just to keep me humble. I simply cannot begin to wrap my mind around the vastness of this universe ... one just HAS to think there must be billions of planets out there with intelligent life. I wonder if the human species will ever get to find them -- they are so very far away and may be long gone.