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CannaCosmonaut t1_is4z2fr wrote

>I think I would feel guilty for spending all of that money that could have helped other people.

Developing the ability to become a spacefaring civilization helps untold trillions of people in the future. All industry should be removed from the surface of the planet and many people should move out of here to alleviate the burden on the biosphere as we take measures to clean up (e.g. carbon capture). Also, most (if not all) major problems in the world cannot be solved simply by throwing money at them.

>I hope I get to live to see the day that middle class people could afford a trip like this though!

A lot of work to be done building a better future. You may yet live in a world where your passage is secured in exchange for useful work. When I think of my future in space, I'm not imagining joyrides- I imagine all the things I might be able to do in space to be useful to the future and turn a small profit. As I said, all industry should be removed from the surface one way or another, sooner or later; we'd all do well to pick something (ideally something that has a net negative impact on life on Earth) and get it out of here.