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UmbralRaptor t1_itcftfi wrote

Insert obligatory Kerbal Space Program plug here (for the more or less realistic aspects of space flight and craft design)


Twisted_Bristles t1_itcgzrh wrote

Kerbal Space Program is a great game. But man can it be tough at times. I've yet to manage a stable orbit around Kerbal, but have launched a few rockets into orbit around the star...


SaxyOmega90125 t1_itcjxf5 wrote

Have you played the tutorials yet? I found them very helpful when I started.

Also a lot of people also find it easier to play in science mode your first time through, not sandbox or career.


Twisted_Bristles t1_itd8om9 wrote

I'll have to check out the tutorials. I think I just kind of jumped straight in with sandbox and started sending things into space.


Mooman-Chew t1_itdf35t wrote

Marcus house on YouTube took me from a menace to kerbin to crashing every version on ksp due to ludicrous part counts in orbit. Check him out. He is also a super good space nerd content wise


snotrio t1_itdej4k wrote

Tbh this is the best way to learn it. It is how i did it and it gives u a better understanding. I use youtube or the forum for a general idea tho sometimes


SnowplowS14 t1_itcraf8 wrote

Nothing like figuring out a stable LKO. Been working on a jool science mothership for about a year now. Still working on lander designs to get more science from the surface of the moons but hopefully will be ready to launch before KSP2 comes out


AscariR t1_itdqb0b wrote

Your launch window closes in just a few months then. The devs announced KSP 2 will be released into Early Access 24th Feb 2023.


vilius_m_lt t1_itdlexb wrote

Sure orbit is fun, but have you tried orbital rendezvous and docking. Took me 5 hours to do my first one..


Steenan t1_itcmf8f wrote


First two weeks of playing Kerbal taught me more about orbital mechanics than two semesters of university course.


useless_bucket t1_itekmx2 wrote

At this point I would just wait till early access for ksp2 in February.