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UmbralRaptor t1_itcftfi wrote

Insert obligatory Kerbal Space Program plug here (for the more or less realistic aspects of space flight and craft design)


Twisted_Bristles t1_itcgzrh wrote

Kerbal Space Program is a great game. But man can it be tough at times. I've yet to manage a stable orbit around Kerbal, but have launched a few rockets into orbit around the star...


SaxyOmega90125 t1_itcjxf5 wrote

Have you played the tutorials yet? I found them very helpful when I started.

Also a lot of people also find it easier to play in science mode your first time through, not sandbox or career.


Twisted_Bristles t1_itd8om9 wrote

I'll have to check out the tutorials. I think I just kind of jumped straight in with sandbox and started sending things into space.


Mooman-Chew t1_itdf35t wrote

Marcus house on YouTube took me from a menace to kerbin to crashing every version on ksp due to ludicrous part counts in orbit. Check him out. He is also a super good space nerd content wise


snotrio t1_itdej4k wrote

Tbh this is the best way to learn it. It is how i did it and it gives u a better understanding. I use youtube or the forum for a general idea tho sometimes


SnowplowS14 t1_itcraf8 wrote

Nothing like figuring out a stable LKO. Been working on a jool science mothership for about a year now. Still working on lander designs to get more science from the surface of the moons but hopefully will be ready to launch before KSP2 comes out


AscariR t1_itdqb0b wrote

Your launch window closes in just a few months then. The devs announced KSP 2 will be released into Early Access 24th Feb 2023.


vilius_m_lt t1_itdlexb wrote

Sure orbit is fun, but have you tried orbital rendezvous and docking. Took me 5 hours to do my first one..


Steenan t1_itcmf8f wrote


First two weeks of playing Kerbal taught me more about orbital mechanics than two semesters of university course.


useless_bucket t1_itekmx2 wrote

At this point I would just wait till early access for ksp2 in February.


PrettyAd9342 t1_itck2dr wrote

No Man's Sky is pretty good!! It's definitely come a long way since launch and there's no shortage of planets and galaxies to explore


D1N0F7Y t1_itcfdee wrote

By far the best space game as narrative and gameplay is... ... Outer Wilds!


BiffMaGriff t1_itcmx2k wrote

I wanted to play The Outer Worlds but got confused and played Outer Wilds instead.

Outer Wilds is fantastic!


Spelunkowiec t1_itlgl8b wrote

My man! I sent a scout to find you and upvote. Outer wilds is the kind of game which makes you curious about space again. Recommend to everyone.


TalkinAboutSound t1_itck5gr wrote

Elite Dangerous is great if you want to play around in our galaxy, Starfield is also coming out soon but seems much more fantastical.


StarVoyager96 t1_itf278h wrote

I second this! It’s a fun trade, exploration, and combat game!


itsAshl t1_itcgo6a wrote

Always a special place in my heart for Starbound


Real_Affect39 t1_itclphx wrote

I’m terms of simulators, KSP

In terms of narrative and story, Outer wilds

For fun with friends, Astroneer


BiffMaGriff t1_itcnz79 wrote

Endless Sky - The spiritual sequel to the Escape Velocity series. Open source and free on Steam.

Gameplay is top down space shooter with exploration, quests, and trading. Start with a shuttle craft and end with a planet conquering fleet of cruisers.


HDSpiele t1_itceuev wrote

There are so so so many out there it depends on what you like. Do you like spaceships and economics? Than go for X4. Do you like multi-player? than go for eve online, star citizen, or elite dangerous all of those do something else better than the others but non are perfect. If you don't mind procedural than go for no man sky. If you don't mind eating a year wait for starfield. What is important is what do you want from a space exploration game.


crooneu35 t1_itgdk4x wrote

I don’t mind waiting for Starfield, it looks amazing and I really want a well polished finished product when they put it out, not another Cyberpunk.


HDSpiele t1_itgecp7 wrote

A Bethesda game and polished? Don't make me laugh.


crooneu35 t1_itgfxrs wrote

I had figured the same as you, but then I thought, Maybe just this once.


Jamandi_Aldori t1_itcp5xy wrote

For simulations gameplay? Elite: Dangerous

For actual Adventure, narrative, a compelling story set in space? The Outer Worlds.


SaxyOmega90125 t1_itckgj5 wrote

Not sure what specific genre you're looking at within this category. If an almost arcade-like Escape Velocity style appeals to you, I can definitely recommend Endless Sky. (Not to be confused with No Man's Sky.) Easily one of the best-written game stories I've ever seen, and the gameplay is fun without being very difficult to learn. And it's free.


EldritchPiper t1_itcmx4i wrote

I recommend Outer wilds, it's got deep lore, nonlinear story, started out as a physics simulation so great travel realism and has great characters


Sandel494 t1_itcr0u9 wrote

Are therr other people/npcs? The german wiki article sounds like it is pretty empty except for the player?


neonaurora13 t1_itdts1x wrote

There is others, but they function more as information hubs and don’t move around. They are still somehow infused with life and personality


xviiarcano t1_itcfdcz wrote

On mobile, the space rpg series, I played both the 3 and the 4 for hours on end, don't be fooled by the graphics.


forpornreallynotfake t1_itcy6ll wrote

If you don’t want to lean too heavily on the exploration part may I suggest a classic adventure game called The Dig? It’s also one of my fav sci-fi games out there.


El_Duderino91 t1_itd4k8x wrote

Personally, I love Star Citizen, despite its flaws. I've also enjoyed Elite Dangerous, Space Engineers. I know many have enjoyed Kerbal Space Program and No Man's Sky, but I've not really put enough time in those to give a good review.


CorruptedReign7 t1_itdd5w6 wrote

Spore is fun for a much more casual experience once you get to space stage. Get to the center of the galaxy and either befriend or become enemies with The Grox. Kerbal Space Program is my favorite, but more challenging.


Prevailingchip t1_itdmpiy wrote

I absolutely recommend megaton rainfall. It’s a bit strange, but it is super fun, some adventure aspect to it and you can literally visit and explore one quadrillion stars and planets, although you will find many of the same planets.


Malicos_gallow t1_itely1f wrote

Outer wilds. It's so sweet and makes me feel so happy


WingedDrake t1_itemicm wrote

Staaaaaar Citizeeeeeeen.

But try it in a free fly event first before getting a package.


gman22tx t1_itfbfs1 wrote

Elite dangerous is great if you like spinning around in space until your fuel runs out and then you have to delete your save file.


VertigoOne1 t1_itculas wrote

Jesus i was wondering if outer wilds would be in the comments and no less than 4 OP comments for it. Great game, no mistake, but it is at opposite end of realism with something like elite or ksp. Still highly recommended, basically a piece of art and you fly around in a spaceship solving a mystery. If you mean hard sci-fi space, ksp is your butter, future sci-fi, galactic exploration, elite is where it is at, and outer wilds is like neither.