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AbsenseG t1_irp57zs wrote

Question. Is it possible to take a telescope and take a high def singular picture of the moon? With no need for stitching hundreds of photos together?


BokehMonkeh t1_irrazzr wrote

Yes and no. The problem is of course that the moon is really fucking big, so if you take a photo that fits all of it into a single exposure, you're going to lose out on a lot of details.

So it kinda depends on the quality you want. If you want this level of detail, then no, you can't do that in a single exposure. If you just want a high res photo of the moon, then you definitely can, but it won't look particularly exciting.


AbsenseG t1_irt98rv wrote

You probably just answered this question and I just didn’t get it but is it possible to have a ground telescope aimed at a specific location on the moon, such as the Apollo 11 landing site for example, and take a detailed photo of it with one exposure? Enough to make out things left behind, even if kinda blurry?


BokehMonkeh t1_irzthdx wrote

In theory yes, in practice no. I'll skip over all the physics of angular resolution, and say that to see details such as footsteps on the moon, you'd need a telescope that magnifies approximately 330,000 times. That'd need a mirror with a diameter of around 160 meters. That's 16 times bigger than the largest telescope on Earth right now.

So in short; could it be made? Yes. Are we even remotely close to doing so? No. It's simply cheaper and easier to send up a satellite with "normal" cameras than to build something like that.