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ChrisGnam t1_iuhze1d wrote

There's a lot of great books out there depending on what you like.

There's also clothing or other small things like mission patches or pins released for specific missions.

Another cool thing might be rocket/spacecraft model kits.

If you're into gaming and haven't played it yet, maybe Kerbal Space Program. Back in undergrad, I had a professor in orbital mechanics highly recommend the game to us to build an intuition before we dived into the math of everything. It's honestly a fantastic way to learn about how space travel works, and it's a lot of fun!


DemSkilzDudes t1_iui8vhv wrote

Thanks for the response. I do already have KSP, amazing game although I probably should focus more on the space aspect rather than missiles to blow up the space centre. What specific books would you recommend?


ChrisGnam t1_iuian2x wrote

Can depend on what you're interested in. There's lots of books on various celestial bodies or overviews of cosmology/astrophysics. A common goto is "a brief history of time" by Stephen hawking. I havent read that in a long time, but in middle/high school I really liked it.

There's also mission/program specific books like "Chasing New Horizons" (about the New Horizons mission to Pluto), or "Failure is not an Option" by Gene Kranz. Plus tons of biographies in various figures in space.