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[deleted] OP t1_itifs7t wrote

This is, of course, assuming there is something beyond it.


r2d2c3po1987 t1_itig8o2 wrote

Another universe ... Like an VM(virtual machine) inside an VM.


syentifiq t1_itiga53 wrote

The event horizon of the black hole we're inside of


nitto1000 t1_itigilu wrote

More universes swelling toward ours til they collide


PerfectPercentage69 t1_itigsyp wrote

Of course there's something beyond it. There's the rest of the universe.

The observable universe is just a tiny piece of the universe we can see due to the time it takes light to reach us. It's not the edge of the universe.


mushroom4two t1_itiit04 wrote

Probably just more universe.

The observable universe is just the stuff we can see, hense "observable," but nothing implies what is beyond it is any different than what we can see now. It's reasonable to assume its just more of it.

Perhaps the distribution of galaxies and matter differs slightly, or even perhaps begins to change in structure dramatically, but we'd have to go VERY far past the observable universe before we'd find anything like that.