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derKestrel t1_ixlf64y wrote

The energy input is the problem.

I guess would need a combination of big gas giant (infrared radiation output from various processes) plus small orbit (extra heat from gravitationally caused tectonic processes) plus high amount of heavy elements (extra heat from radioactive decay).

Without the energy inflow from a sun, is going to be really cold, Canadians might even need a sweater.

Apart from that, having planetsized moons is feasible, even getting ejected as a whole gravitationally bound system doesn't seem out of the ordinary..


cdnBacon t1_ixlizl5 wrote

"Canadians might even need a sweater" ... and a toque!


One_Astronaut_483 t1_ixlepxr wrote

No idea, but seems a very good idea for a book.


rezallol OP t1_ixlhjpw wrote

Yea I’ve been thinking of writing about something like that


One_Astronaut_483 t1_ixlju12 wrote

I have no skills at writing. Hopefully someone able to do it, will see it.


ThirtyMileSniper t1_ixlfzpj wrote

Potentially from the energy of tidal heating like what is theorised on Europa. Life but not civilisation.


space-ModTeam t1_ixllo7s wrote

Hello u/rezallol, your submission "Can a rogue Gas Giant have its own functional Planetary system?" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.