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jeffsmith202 t1_iyai5cj wrote

wait till there are huge Solar panels in space. at least 6 km square


ShortysTRM t1_iyasqpz wrote

"There will be 6 total solar panel eclipses this week!"


TarantinoFan23 t1_iyazzlp wrote

Imagine using shade in warfare. Like, micro targeting crops, cities ect.


urmomaisjabbathehutt t1_iyb3w3c wrote

Laputa's king is able to control the mainland mostly by threatening to
cover rebel regions with the island's shadow, thus blocking sunlight and
rain, or by throwing rocks at rebellious surface cities. In extreme cases, the island is lowered onto the cities below to crush them

Gulliver travel's flying isle of Laputa


eliochip t1_iyan5i3 wrote

Is that the goal? Dyson sphere baby


SpaceShark01 t1_iyavooe wrote

Making an oopsie and building your Dyson sphere around the wrong celestial body


stage_directions t1_iyb4g85 wrote

“I don’t see anything wrong with the new Dyson sphere. In fact, I don’t see anything at all!”


sapperfarms t1_iyb9dto wrote

Gotta practice somewhere can’t prove the science without a model….


slickhedstrong t1_iyb2gyf wrote

the best we can do is a dyson ring. a few millimeters thick. and even then, we'd be mining interstellar rocks after exhausting all the useable matter in both asteroid belts. most of the matter in our solar system is in the sun's core


DrunkenOnzo t1_iyb7mvr wrote

Nonsense. If we're digging up all that earth, that means smaller earth. Smaller earth = smaller dyson sphere. It's all up sides bby


slickhedstrong t1_iyb9yv2 wrote

i thought dyson spheres were around the star?


DrunkenOnzo t1_iybbcf6 wrote

Then it’d be called a Star Sphere. Dyson Spheres protect vacuums, the sun doesn’t even have settled dust.


nIBLIB t1_iyb7nzh wrote

I don’t know if it’s perfectly accurate, but I have heard the solar system described as 98% Sun, 1% Jupiter, and 1% everything else.

Given that all the other planets combined don’t quite make up half of Jupiter’s mass, that second 1% might be generous.


KeaboUltra t1_iyd1w3d wrote

Most of the models discuss deconstructing mercury to gather the necessary matter rather than space rocks. And it would be a swarm, so i guess similar to a ring but wouldn't require mega structures, just tons of small satellites


KeaboUltra t1_iyd1isi wrote

yeah, beamed solar power from space converted into microwaves and sent to a receiver a few km wide on earth. However, didn't know this would cause issues