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toodroot t1_iybalip wrote

OK so that changed. I had put in reservations for Owens Valley, Haystack, and the LMT in Mexico and was notified that the first 2 cells were opened... but that was quite a while ago now.

Other ones not there off the top of my head:

EHT: Kitt Peak and Mt. Graham AZ; IRAM 30m uphill from Grenada; NOEMA in the French Alps, and I know that Thule Greenland is using Starlink. The South Pole will likely want to use Starlink.

VLBA: Arecibo (the VLBA antenna didn't fall down)


mfb- t1_iybh5uw wrote

Several radio telescopes don't have empty cells, indeed. I don't know how they decided on that list and it can change on short notice - it's just a software setting anyway.


toodroot t1_iybjotr wrote

One nit is if they actually have customers in those cells -- no one lives near the LMT, NOEMA, or the IRAM30m, but actual people certainly do live near Haystack.