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LaunchTransient t1_ixe4nv1 wrote

They helped significantly in your war of Independence


cloudjianrider t1_ixf4pxm wrote

Yes so why are we lumped in with China? James Webb for instance was a collective effort by space agencies all around the world and I’m pretty sure it was sent into space with a French rocket. We’re supposed to be a team!


LaunchTransient t1_ixf5msl wrote

>We’re supposed to be a team!

I've explained it elsewhere, but in short its because the US behaves very erratically towards Europe. Sometimes you are friendly, other times you are threatening to pull out of Nato. Your companies are often very predatory, and the US has frequently put itself in positions where it tries to take advantage of Europe or dictate Europe's foreign policies.

While Europe would like it always to be a friendly relationship, we know that the US's ambitiousness means we can easily fall prey if we aren't wary.

And FWIW, the US isn't viewed in the same light as China, we just don't want to be dominated or be reliant on you.


toodroot t1_ixf81wx wrote

We're discussing Bruno Le Maire lumping the US in with China, it's right there in the headline and the article.


toodroot t1_ixf7tlf wrote

Europe also provided one of the JWST's instruments.