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4thDevilsAdvocate t1_ixacp69 wrote

>By the end of the century, decent chance that parts or all of the Cape could be underwater.

Why does this make a moonbase a bad idea?

People spend money on, say, improving education, or developing infrastructure. But there are other problems that could also be solved with that money. Does that mean we shouldn't spend money on improving education or developing infrastructure?

>Are we really going to need a moon colony at that point?

A moon colony is useful at any point.

>But the reality is that 99.9% chance that a moon colony never materializes

How do you know that?

>and all we're left with is a big old giant heavy lift rocket for whomever to use for whatever purpose.

You say that like it's somehow a bad thing.


simcoder t1_ixad6b8 wrote

Because once mass migrations start, we're going to have to pull back on any grand space colony fantasies.

And the idea that the govt is going to actually foot the bill for a space colony seems kind of ludicrous. We can barely maintain the funding for ISS lol.


4thDevilsAdvocate t1_ixadmvc wrote

>Because once mass migrations start, we're going to have to pull back on any grand space colony fantasies.


>And the idea that the govt is going to actually foot the bill for a space colony seems kind of ludicrous.

Who says it'll all be the government?

There are sources of funding outside of government spending, you know.

>We can barely maintain the funding for ISS lol.

[citation needed]

Oh, and you're still not addressing why you believe there's a "99.9% chance that a moon colony never materializes" and why a "giant heavy lift rocket" is a bad thing.

You apparently think the things you're saying should be self-evident. They're not. Please explain why you think they are.


simcoder t1_ixaeb7v wrote

Why wouldn't mass internal migration lead to pullbacks in pretty much all discretionary spending? Are you living in Elon's fantasy land?


4thDevilsAdvocate t1_ixaeuwf wrote

>Why wouldn't mass internal migration lead to pullbacks in pretty much all discretionary spending?

Well, for starters, it's probably not going to be internal migration, because a whole bunch of people living around the equator are going to try to flee north or south. There'll be an actual refugee crisis at the US-Mexico border because of it.

But, that aside, why do you think that precludes spending on a moonbase?

>Are you living in Elon's fantasy land?

"anyone I'm against is living in Elon's fantasy land"


You still haven't explained why you believe:

  • "we" can barely maintain the funding for the ISS (whoever "we" is)
  • there's a "99.9% chance that a moon colony never materializes"
  • why a "giant heavy lift rocket" is a bad thing

Like, do you actually believe any of what you're saying? You don't seem to be able to explain why you actually believe these things. To me, it appears you're assuming the things you're saying are so clearly true that anyone who believes otherwise is mentally deficient, which your other comments reflect.


simcoder t1_ixaf41i wrote

So when Florida goes underwater and we can't just lock out all the refugees at the border, all the Floridians are going to go where?


4thDevilsAdvocate t1_ixaftlg wrote

>So when Florida goes underwater and we can't just lock out all the refugees at the border, all the Floridians are going to go where?

Which has what do do with a moonbase?

Regardless, I'm not making an assertation about what the future of climate change-induced migration will look like. I'm asking what that has to do with a moonbase.

Besides, you still haven't explained why you believe:

  • "we" can barely maintain the funding for the ISS (whoever "we" is)
  • there's a "99.9% chance that a moon colony never materializes"
  • why a "giant heavy lift rocket" is a bad thing

Why do you believe these things? I've explained why I believe what I believe. Why can't you explain what you believe?


simcoder t1_ixai0po wrote

Didn't you try to say that it wouldn't be internal migration for some reason? I was just explaining that to you.


4thDevilsAdvocate t1_ixaidk3 wrote

If you want to discuss migration, do it elsewhere. This isn't about that.


simcoder t1_ixaizvc wrote

I was trying to explain to you how you were wrong.