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Ape_Togetha_Strong t1_iutvhss wrote

Yeah, notice how it's specifically phrased in a vague, meaningless way? "Headed our way" means nothing. It doesn't say that it's going to hit us.


szypty t1_iutxp8w wrote

Exacrly. It's fucking clickbait of the lowest order, meant to elicit fear and nothing more.

This is the equivalent of saying "There's a gun aimed at you!", while the gun in question is being wielded by some dude in Caracas, Venezuela, who's aiming down the ground while you are sitting comfortably at your couch in London, UK. Yeah, technically the barrel of that gun points directly towards you, but that exclamation is missing some key parts, isn't it?


A_Ghost___Probably t1_iutwvf5 wrote

"This extinction level meteor is headed towards us😵☠" "...astronomers say it will visit us soon, are we doomed!?" (Source: A-153 will come within 100k miles of earth in the year 7531)

Every time.


wawheele t1_iuu1tel wrote

Every day we live is another day closer to death. It’s always headed our way.