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EphraimJenkins t1_iy1yu41 wrote

Doesn’t count until there are people on board.


quesarah t1_iy23wv6 wrote

Exactly. Otherwise I believe the record for "farthest human made object" is held by one of the Voyagers.


MaroonBookPro t1_iy2clg5 wrote

“Farthest human made object with chairs in it”


swftswft13 t1_iy2ecns wrote

Where is that space Tesla hanging out these days?


MaroonBookPro t1_iy2hm8l wrote

Ah true.

Ok then, farthest human-made object with chairs and a roof.


MasterMagneticMirror t1_iy2qcza wrote

Nope. The Apollo 10 Lunar Module ascent stage would still beat Artemis since it was put in solar orbit. As said by ESA, Artemis 1 is the farthest human rated spacecraft designed to bring back its crew to the Earth. So chair, roof and thermal protection system.


wedontlikespaces t1_iy2ynje wrote

That rather suggests that there is the record for the farthest rated human spacecraft that just let it's crew died when the mission was completed.


MaroonBookPro t1_iy3lu3g wrote

Pretty sure the Lunar Modules didn’t have chairs oddly enough.


Active-Device-8058 t1_iy2d5ih wrote

Tell me you didn't read the article without telling me you didn't read the article.

Edit: Downvote all you want. This is a record for furthest human-rated spacecraft. That's literally the first line in the link. Everyone talking about "HURR BUT Voyager is way further" is completely missing the point. Human-rated doesn't require a human on board. You don't have to like it, but it's true.

Edit 2: Go argue with Nasa if you don't like it. The record stands:


MasterMagneticMirror t1_iy2qjhl wrote

Human-rated and designed to bring back the crew to Earth. The farthest human-rated spacecraft period was the Apollo 10 ascent stage put in solar orbit.


craftworkbench t1_iy2pmkv wrote

Agreed. It'll be more momentous to break the record with humans aboard but it's still a great accomplishment to prove that a spacecraft designed for human flight can and has gone that far.

No need to put down the accomplishment, especially since it's clearly qualified in the article.


toodroot t1_iy2shi9 wrote

It isn't human-rated yet. This test has to be passed first.

This capsule lacks most of the life support system, btw.

Edit: It's surprising how many sub members appear to think you can human-rate a spacecraft without flying it! Remember the challenges Boeing is still having with getting Starliner human-rated?


Active-Device-8058 t1_iy2svyq wrote

Lol okay I'll go let Nasa know. Thanks for your input:

LIVE NOW: On Sat, Nov. 26, /NASA_Orion will break the record for farthest distance of a human-rated spacecraft, previously held by Apollo 13. Join our /TwitterSpaces to reflect on /NASAHistory and look to the future of #Artemis. Use #AskNASA or raise your hand to ask questions.


bigloser42 t1_iy3gniw wrote

It’s either Voyager or the manhole cover from operation plumbob. The low end estimate for its speed is 66 km/sec(41miles/sec). If it survived exiting the atmosphere, which it probably didn’t, it would have a pretty good lead on Voyager.


Nakedatnight t1_iy2ce89 wrote

With all things considered I’m sure we can all say this doesn’t count but still very fun to be back in the game. But 13 was a different beast and without its “success” our work in the vastness is of space would be very different.


Fmatosqg t1_iy32qvs wrote

Exactly, happy to get something close to the moon. Couldn't care less about the exact distance or other meaningless records unrelated to new requirements.


BirdUp69 t1_iy2q6yq wrote

They’re talking about the record cost/science ratio.


i_live_in_sweden t1_iy38a7z wrote

It's unmanned, so the record to beat would be that of Voyager. They can't beat Apollo 13 record until there is people on board.


tophatnbowtie t1_iy4c1yi wrote

While it will definitely be more notable when actual astronauts are on board, the record to beat is still Apollo 13. The article makes it clear - we're talking about the furthest distance traveled by a spacecraft designed to carry astronauts. Voyager cannot carry astronauts. Comparing Orion to Voyager is apples to oranges.

No mission currently launched or planned will ever overtake Voyager 1.


Aeromarine_eng t1_iy5662g wrote

New Horizons space probe will never catch up to either Voyage.


wswordsmen t1_iy4c89r wrote

You could say for a man rated spacecraft, in which case good luck beating Snoopy.


craftworkbench t1_iy2pitw wrote

> The uncrewed Orion flew past the record-setting distance achieved by the Apollo 13 command module "Odyssey" at 248,655 miles from Earth (216,075 nautical miles or 400,171 kilometers) at about 8:40 a.m. EST (1340 GMT) on Saturday (Nov. 26).

> The Apollo 13 spacecraft had previously set the record on April 14, 1970, at 7:21 p.m. EST (0021 GMT on April 15).

Wait. So did Orion fly 248k miles? Or did Odyssey? And in either case, how far did the other one go?


Antique_Ad_7565 t1_iy2q4z7 wrote

Apollo 13/ Odyssey went 248,655 miles. Artemis I/ Orion has been projected to go a maximum of 270,000 miles. This article is abit jumbled.


[deleted] t1_iy2jmoh wrote



Antique_Ad_7565 t1_iy2nurc wrote

So, 8 years ago, Reddit knew this. But one of the guys working the mission didn't know til like 2021ish? Why would this man not know this, but rest of the world does? I feel bad for Gerry. Going 50+ years not knowing the mission he became a hero in broke the record.


becks0079 t1_iy787qs wrote

What is NASA doing? They haven't exploded nearly enough prototypes.


FinAroundFinout t1_iy3inix wrote

Humans will never leave this solar system. We are trapped here.

Our lifespans are the issue on generational ships. Oh well!
