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Toadfinger t1_ixjemoy wrote

> To confirm the distance, each galaxy must be followed up with the more time-consuming spectroscopy, where the exact wavelength of each photon is measured.

To confirm what distance? The article doesn't say how many light years away.


runningray t1_ixjs86t wrote

13.5 billion light years away. Something like 98% of the age of the universe. Like 300 million years after the universe became a thing. These galaxies are forming a bit sooner than what the current understanding allows and they are a bit more complex than what was assumed. So there is some 'splainin to do.


Morasain t1_ixlh908 wrote

How do we know how complex they are? Even on the JWST these galaxies are tiny


lksdjsdk t1_ixmsvqa wrote

My guess is from spectral analysis. Even from a tiny dot at huge redshift, they'd be able to tell if there is more than just hydrogen and helium.


wupdup t1_ixkdhui wrote

It's clear there won't be any 'splainin. The understanding will simply change, with no thought to where a mistake in theory might've been made. My downvotes will confirm.


SassalaBeav t1_ixm3mmf wrote

"Everyone disagrees with me, proving that I'm right" bizzare logic there ngl


skasticks t1_ixkx8y9 wrote

Isn't this just science?


wupdup t1_ixkylsh wrote

Yes, by current standards. With the assumption that early galaxies form way faster than previously thought possible, there will be 5 huge unproven assumptions to make the current model fit observations.


Merpninja t1_ixjshkp wrote

The distance is given in the name. Z-12 means a redshift of 12, but it is a VERY rough approximation that needs to be verified or corrected based on thorough spectroscopy. z=12 is roughly 13.5 billion light years old, which based on the expansion of the universe, would mean the galaxy is actually several times more distant.