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UHF1211 t1_iwodzx3 wrote

It’s sort of what you are looking for. I believe they put up a diagram from time to time showing prox earth/moon but there isn’t really a way to show exact location.


Barijazz251 t1_iwopc7c wrote

I'm surprised that the velocity is only 3400 mph. Isn't escape velocity 17,500 mph ?


w0mbatina t1_iwp3whh wrote

That bothered me as well. Like, why not include it? Also the timeline was shitty as well, it just jumped from one event to the next instead of giving you some sort of progression and feel when things are going to happen.


Captain_Nipples t1_iwq70uk wrote

Play some kerbal. As you get farther out in your orbit, you slow down almost to a stop before falling back to Earth

Like throwing a rock into the air. Itll slow down then fall at its peak


nachomancandycabbage t1_iwqgs6b wrote

They had some problems with their camera feeds during launch. But I agree that they also missed out on telemetry and the quality of coverage lacked in comparison to the other new space companies. I really hope the next launch will have more polish on it… better coverage and telemetry