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The_Only_AL t1_iwpbhol wrote

I’m actually watching Apollo 13 right now and it’s up there, at least the science is correct. Movies like Gravity make me laugh.


RocketsLEO2ITS t1_iwpc5bf wrote

For a space non-fiction movie, I vote "Apollo 13." For a space fiction movie, "The Martian."


WorkO0 t1_iwpjntb wrote

It doesn't get a lot of love but I really enjoyed the recent First Man movie and rewatched it multiple times. Creative license was used a bit on the story but the atmosphere and visuals are great, especially since it's in 4K.


The_Only_AL t1_iwpk7og wrote

I’ve read the book several times, and the movie was pretty good, especially the music for the landing, it was so intense. I thought it focused a bit too much on Neil’s loss and so it was kind of depressing. Whilst Armstrong was deeply affected by the loss of his daughter and Ed White and other pilots, he was generally a very intense person but also really fun and goofy. A humble man, who was intensely focused on getting a job done right, and he loooved aircraft. He was universally well loved by almost everyone, a truly great man.


House13Games t1_iwrnto4 wrote

I felt the movie portrayed him multiple times like a rabbit in headlights, frozen and not reacting to what was going on, whereas I think the opposite was pretty much the case.

On the other hand, he did crash the LLRV, had the aborted gemini mission, had the most problems on a lunar landing, fluffed his lines on the moon, and flew them into gimbal lock during the docking. But he managed to get through most of these issues, too, so maybe that counts in the long run. I don't think any other astronaut had so many varied incidents in their career.


thisusedyet t1_iwpzslo wrote

Best scene has to be the engineers McGuyvering the filters.

Linking the whole scene for background, but the part I'm referencing starts 38 seconds in


The_Only_AL t1_iwq0ehp wrote

What struck me just watching was the sets, the attention to detail was incredible. They actually built the Command Module and LM on the Vomit Comet and all the weightless scenes were actual weightless scenes.