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Ilikelamp7 t1_iw4d3o3 wrote

Not in this lifetime. Just something we can hope for with future generations. And when I say future I mean distant future.


savol_ OP t1_iw4dt39 wrote

Sometimes I wish I wasn’t born so early.


Venik489 t1_iw4nsyo wrote

Born too late to discover new continents, born too early to explore the universe.


shokage t1_iw4shac wrote

You won’t die from a small cut or bad diarrhea. At least we’re in the age of modern medicine


sirencow t1_iw6q659 wrote

I always wish I had been born in the 1870s to 90s.

Just the right time to see humanity in its raw form and experience technology/modernity as an adult


ChiSandTwitch t1_iw4h9qb wrote

To me, I'm gutted I was born too late. We reached the fucking moon man!!! That was the vert first step, literally, and I missed it by 14 years


Devil-sAdvocate t1_iw8vaj5 wrote

Homo sapiens have lived about 12,000 generations.

I feel I got pretty lucky to have timed been born when mankind advanced enough to figure out how things in space work and land on the moon.


Dunkleustes t1_ixrmcn8 wrote

I kind of imagine it like 200 years ago people saying "man I was born too early, in the distant future people might be flying in the air".

I bet if we lived during that time we would view space travel as mundane and common occurrence, kind of how we view modern aircraft now.


buckphifty150150 t1_iw5v2m6 wrote

I think it would take a reason to have to leave earth and we as a species would survive on a ship of some sort