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[deleted] t1_iw4n1rd wrote

I think we wait until artificial wombs are perfected. Then, we send many many many frozen embryos with autonomous robots programmed with ai and a nuclear powered ship. When a habitable planet is found, the embryos that will be most adaptable for the planet are put in the oven and that first generation is raised by robots, along with useful animals that are adapted for the environment. It would be an ark of sorts. The whole of human knowledge would be included on computers so that they wouldn't destroy themselves with religion and magical thinking. They would understand science and nature from the beginning.


sterexx t1_iw5suyg wrote

That’s a pretty wild fate to just assign to a baby

ethics might be more flexible when it comes to ensuring the continuation of humanity though


ExtonGuy t1_iw4pkbu wrote

I agree with most of that, except the religion part. I think the first wave of ark ships will be motivated by religious thoughts. Probably even more “religious” than the worst of todays groups. “We have to populate the galaxy before the infidels!”


-BlackWizard- t1_iw5y2nz wrote

Minus the religion part.

Ahh, what a world that would be... Where only religion of humans will be humanity. And science will be the real education.