Submitted by OkLibrary6417 t3_z3xs35 in space

it was earlier today, in Limerick, Ireland around 4:30pm, it started as a small blue streak but it got moderately bright, not enough to to actually create light on surfaces but enough that i could see it without anything. saw it break into pieces then it faded out, it was pretty sizeable and left no trail.

not a soul believes me and theres nothing online, am i going mad?



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DamionDreggs t1_ixo62b4 wrote

Why won't anyone believe you? That kind of thing happens all the time, and so randomly that they are mostly undocumented.

You should enjoy that this show in the sky was just for you 😀


OkLibrary6417 OP t1_ixo6bss wrote

yeah im obsessed with space and such and got really excited when i saw it, tried to find proof but the fact it broke up when i saw it made people not believe me because if you under the age of 18, everything you say is either a lie or a dream :(


Coffee_Huffer t1_ixo6hve wrote

I believe it's a matter of how many people see it as to whether it makes it into the news or not. There was one that I seen that made it into the news. It only made it there because it was on a Friday night when everybody was out watching high School football.


CrazyKarlRove t1_ixo6ibv wrote

There's more than 6,000 strikes every year from objects that are large enough and dense enough to reach the surface. That's not even counting all the ones that completely burn up in the atmosphere. You're not going to hear about most of them online.


cmdtarken t1_ixo7un9 wrote

I saw one break up in the atmosphere years ago. It entered as one chunk that split into 5 or 6 before burning out. Never read anything about it but everyone I told about it said it was likely mostly ice.


JJscribbles t1_ixo81x3 wrote

Are we sure your blue streak wasn’t waste from an airliner’s restroom?


Routine_Shine_1921 t1_ixo8d64 wrote

This happens all the time. Every day, literally 24/7. If you live in a highly populated area, it's less visible because of light pollution, and because people in cities don't look up so often.

If you go to a darker area outside the city, and lay on the grass, and look up for an hour, you'll see at least one, probably a few.


Routine_Shine_1921 t1_ixo95gu wrote

One of the many disadvantages of cities. When you get the chance, invest on going out into an area where you can actually see the sky. Go to, find the nearest. If you're old enough to do it on your own, do it. If you're not, ask your parents.

You will be amazed of how much you can see just with the naked eye, just laying on the grass and looking up.


Nerull t1_ixoc1vi wrote

There are tens of meteorites visible on any given night from any given location, only the most spectacular get any media coverage.


jadw87 t1_ixoc42f wrote

I seen a good one must have been travelling directly towards me because it didnt move much looked like was floating still in the sky, it was bright and then broke up...was wild


CrazyKarlRove t1_ixocnoo wrote

You should really visit an actual dark sky at some point. I don't think Ireland has any left. They're pretty scarce in Europe in general but if you can get to a class 1 sky on a clear night with no moon it's one of the most spectacular sights you'll ever see.


OkLibrary6417 OP t1_ixocwvy wrote

trust me i would die for the sight but any remotely good dark sky has been flocked to by people or is so underground they see a person a week, at least theres a lot of quite dark areas where you can see a bit


Nydcn77 t1_ixolarz wrote

Google search for any sky watching cameras or networks within say 25 km of you. If there are any they may have picked it up. Or any astronomy groups as they may have sky watch observers. Any industry close to you that may have security cameras pointed in that direction.


stifferdnb t1_ixqator wrote

School is far easier than work and much better hours, you don't have to worry about rent, bills etc.. you're young and your back doesn't hurt 24/7, you get to hang out with friends all the time.. there are many reasons why high school was better than being an actual adult 😂


lenpup t1_ixqmisd wrote

I saw the same thing last night, early evening, California. No fireball, but it was the clearest object I’ve ever seen breaking up in the atmosphere. Clearly saw different pieces breaking up. Very cool.


greatteachermichael t1_ixs01xz wrote

Depends on your specific situation. For me it was quite the opposite. My high school assigned about 4 hours of homework every night, and I also had to have a part-time job that paid barely more than minimum wage and I had to be at work at 7am on weekends. Between work, school, homework, and household chores, I worked far more than my own parents. I barely had any time to hang out with friends. People didn't treated me with respect because I was, "too young to understand."

Meanwhile, I decided as an adult not to have kids to save money and get more free time. I got a good paying job so worrying about bills and rent isn't a thing. I have far more disposable income. I decided to get my MA in Teaching adults rather than children, so my schedule is much more open and I actually have more free time as an adult than as a teen. I have free time to exercise, can plan my own healthy meals, and stretch daily so my back doesn't hurt and I'm actually stronger at 41 than in high school. And not only do people not dismiss my views because of my age, but people actually listen to me because I've built a reputation for researching before having an opinion. Nobody tells me what to do, I can use my free time to travel the world, go hiking, sleep in on weekends, pick up new hobbies, go on dates, or anything else.

Sure, for some people being a teen was great, but pretty much all my friends are way happier being adults.