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Strange-Ad1209 t1_iy854um wrote

Well your "belief" remains irrelevant until you can give an alternative reason for the clearly measured Red Shift of the light from ALL Galaxies relative to the Milky Way that increases the further out in Light years and the past one observes. It has remained consistent since Hubble discovered it by everyone around the world who has used telescopes (both optical and radio) to measure it. All observed wavelengths are Red Shifted or increased in wavelength the further out one observes, and in every direction. Hence the misnamed Big Bang (Newspaper people never get anything correct when it comes to scientific announcements). Big Inflation is more apt. The rate of inflation has also been observed to increase in spurts every 4 Billion years/4 Billion light years. So go ahead offer a mathematically consistent and repeatable explanation based upon the many, many observations made by thousands of observatories around the world (repeatable experiments) by tens of thousands of Astronomers since Hubble's time. You should receive a Novel Prize easily.