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Turtley13 t1_j25iozr wrote

The most likely occurrence of an extinction level event will be a super volcano.


Vita-Malz t1_j25j0l6 wrote

How did you manage to answer the question with an actual answer that has nothing to do with the question asked? Are you a politician?


Turtley13 t1_j25mjs3 wrote

It's a neat fact that I could share.

This isn't even tagged as a question but a discussion.

Are you familiar with reddit? 90% of comments are just nonsense.

Your comment adds nothing of value so good job being a hypocrite.


Vita-Malz t1_j25n2ke wrote

My comment is a question to you. Questions don't add, other than the opportunity to answer. You come across as if my response to your comment really struck a nerve. Why are you so offended?


tacoeater1234 t1_j25uwng wrote

Female wallabies have three vaginas.


Vita-Malz t1_j29dq0x wrote

Now that is a neat fact. But I do not wanna know how you found out.


Drwillpowers t1_j25kaoo wrote

Because people can understand when someone asks a question, what they're really trying to learn is sometimes is not the question they stated.

I also had the exact same interpretation of this question. I figured the person wanted to know what the odds of a local star going supernova was, because literally if that happened, it could bleach the earth clean of life.

So this answer is not unreasonable, but even if OP doesn't care about it, it doesn't hurt anybody. It was interesting for me to read anyway.

Be nice to people online. They are actual humans just like you. This person was just trying to contribute something helpful to the conversation, they didn't need to be attacked.


Vita-Malz t1_j25klxb wrote

How was my response an attack? How do you come to the conclusion that not answering the question at hand is the intelligent choice here? If I ask a question I want the question answered, not what you decide was my actual hidden question.

If OP wants to know what the odds of an extinction level event occuring was, or what it would be, he could have just as well asked exactly that.


iCantPauseItsOnline t1_j25nv3g wrote

People take questions as attacks these days. Not just online, but in person as well.

It's part of America's attack on intelligence. It's socially unacceptable to question information someone just told you. They think it's okay to be upset, when instead it's critically important for us to share correct information.


phunkydroid t1_j25nbzm wrote

Betelgeuse isn't close enough to be dangerous to life on Earth.


Drwillpowers t1_j26f575 wrote

What is the exact distance to which we actually have to give a shit? I'm genuinely curious if you happen to know.


tempejkl OP t1_j25uma4 wrote

I don’t think the response was an attack.


kayl_breinhar t1_j25klbf wrote

Nah, a supervolcanic eruption is definitely in the Top 5, maybe even the Top 3, but the more likely candidate in the near future is a continental biosphere collapse.

The entire biosphere won't fail everywhere, but whatever/wherever doesn't will be what everyone fights over, and that fighting/warring will be what kills whoever's left.


Turtley13 t1_j25mmon wrote

From climate change?


kayl_breinhar t1_j25tdjk wrote

Not just one factor. Climate change is one part of the whole when it comes to biosphere collapse. Massive use of persistent pesticides have disrupted the beneficial insect life on the planet - not just the bees. Microplastics in combination with warming and increasingly deoxygenated seas in combination with massive overfishing are killing ocean life. The percentage of wildlife on the planet is the lowest it's ever been since hominids first showed up, and we just keep making more of ourselves.


GorillaP1mp t1_j25ohz6 wrote

GRB. Just have to be in the path, and the Ordovician extinction, which is very different from the other big 5 bears a lot of the signs it happened almost half a billion years ago.


Turtley13 t1_j25pdau wrote

What are the frequencies of these occurring?


GorillaP1mp t1_j25q76c wrote

Several times a day, but I should clarify that you would still need to be fairly close, say 50-100 light years away, and then also be directly in the path. I think Eta is the closest binary capable of producing GRB and it’s 7500 light years or more and offset 45 degrees so we wouldn’t be in the path anyways. Universe is a big place.

EDIT: I only have the most rudimentary of knowledge in this area, and even that’s a stretch. I would verify.


tempejkl OP t1_j25ucs8 wrote

Betelgeuse’s supernova won’t be an extinction level event anyway


Turtley13 t1_j25uyo4 wrote

True. I thought it may have been closer given the question.