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Kooky_Performance116 t1_j25vnf3 wrote

It’s the no before that fucks with me. How was there anything before the big bang if there was nothing. And if there was something it’s the chicken before the egg question.

Something tells me this whole thing is more science fiction then not lol


The-Temple-Of-Iron t1_j25w7er wrote

Haha well to be fair we know just about beyond a doubt what happened from the first fraction of a second "after" the "big bang". But before that is just guessing. Some hypothesis suggest that a black hole is the beginning of a universe. A universe and a black hole are seemingly mathematically and physically the same thing in many ways. There is a great space time video on this I think.


antiiltal t1_j289xnc wrote

The hypothesis that a black hole was the big bang is not really supported. And of course it is insufficiant in itself, because the black hole had to come from somewhere.