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akaSyphon t1_j1gjvwf wrote

oh my that isn’t the point of this post. the point is to elaborate the estimated size of our universe, not to exactly say that you can at all reach the edge of spacetime from our current position; obv…. also u are basically saying that causality(not just your understanding of it) is not allowing of going faster than big C, which is a big guess(definitely not a theory, n not a educated guess). the shit maths is a shit model and not deserving of u thinking that nothing can go faster than big C.


diogenes_shadow t1_j1gsa9u wrote

Nothing CAN go faster than light. Take a yardstick, put a hinge at one end and a piece of paper on the table at the other end. Calculate the angular velocity as you slam it to the table. Measure the thickness of paper. Identify the intersection of top of paper (horizontal) and bottom of yardstick (hinged at far end) and derive the velocity of the intersection point at max angular velocity. You will find that for thin enough paper, that point, though not a physical object, is moving faster than C.

So Nothing, can go faster than light.