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pcans802 t1_j1gn2ci wrote

The trick here is when you are moving the speed of light, time stops passing for you.

So we see light as leaving billions of years ago. But the light left instantly ago from its perspective. Kinda trippy thought - almost like the light says it left a long time ago but really just appeared in its current location now.


hellotypewriter t1_j1gybel wrote

This is the thing that always made me crazy. Time is just a measurement, so it doesn’t make sense that the speed of light would affect it in any way.


pcans802 t1_j1h0m9z wrote

It’s honestly my best evidence this really is all a projection.

If (from the light’s perspective) it just left and arrived instantly, that really supports the idea it’s just a hologram appearing as summoned rather than a static entity thats existed billions of years despite no one seeing it. It’s really screams like we saw it and then made up an explanation to explain how its actually really old and took time to arrive when our science is pointing out it actually just appeared at the very moment we saw it.