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Hershieboy t1_j0nevo1 wrote

So what you're saying is Space X has amazing engineers and they're really good. Elon has little to do with their progress. He doesn't actually know how to make rockets fly or how cars work. He's only this wealthy because of carbon credits, government contracts, and an apartheid Era emerald mine. Stop giving Elon credit. It's the staff that puts up with all his ego that should be getting the credit.


MyaheeMyastone t1_j0nvl4m wrote

Yeah but their engineers have come out and said that Elon was essential to the production process? I really don’t get why people don’t just give proper credit where it’s due. The guy may not be manufacturing rockets himself, but if the engineers of Space X say that he has an essential role in the process, I believe them


Hershieboy t1_j0qzhgy wrote

I mean yeah capital is essential, securing deals for government funding was essential, it's why he appeared liberal during the Obama administration.


dilletaunty t1_j0nz26e wrote

You believe employees praising their (volatile and petty) employer?


MyaheeMyastone t1_j0o09fn wrote

I mean they’ve gone out of their way to do it when they could have said nothing?


toodroot t1_j0o1f1k wrote

One of the employees with a very positive opinion is retired.


Hershieboy t1_j0qzkvz wrote

Exactly, he has no problem firing people who say anything different from himself.


SpaceInMyBrain t1_j0nu6dy wrote

Where in what I wrote did I say whether Elon deserved a small, medium, large, or minuscule amount of credit? I simply reviewed the sequence of how he became prominent, with no reference to the issues you bring up. You'll note I gave the sequence as "they (SpaceX)" got media attention for advanced rocketry and that added to why Elon got more media attention.


BeerPoweredNonsense t1_j0pim97 wrote

>an apartheid Era emerald mine

The emerald mine is a Reddit favorite, but if you dig into it there's very little to prove it ever existed e.g. Snopes could not find anything.


Hershieboy t1_j0psecm wrote I mean you have to use the way back machine due to scrubbing. But he claims to have full knowledge of the mine. It's almost like the man what's to write his own history to make himself more palatable to the public.


BeerPoweredNonsense t1_j0q3age wrote

He "claims" his dad had a mine.

That's the thing about this story - it's just a couple of "claims" in interviews, from either Elon Musk - a man who is, ahem, known for making outlandish claims. Or else an interview with his dad, a man who's busy fucking his own step-daughter and getting her pregnant. Unless someone can actually show me the name and location of the mine - which shouldn't be that difficult, mines are not exactly easy to hide - I'll remain dubious.


Hershieboy t1_j0qza7r wrote

So why believe anything he says? I just know the Panama papers showed all kinds of ways the wealthy hide their money and shelter themselves from taxes. I'm willing to bet it was hidden to fit his narrative of being self-made. It's well within a reasonable doubt that he'd hide evidence of it. So I'm also very dubious.
