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AFX2W1N t1_j1l4nhw wrote

And I essentially agree w/ you and am just playing devils advocate and picking your brain a bit.


rockmodenick t1_j1lw9ed wrote

Ok cool then I'll elaborate - I counted three claims:

  1. we don't know what consciousness is

  2. I'm claiming their won't be a connection

  3. this situation is way too theoretical to make any claims at all about, with any reliability.

The reason I think these constitute the greater claim, and therefore my claim is the safer one, is as such

  1. we don't, but we can measure a bunch of things about it, and experience it, therefore,

  2. there's never been any evidence of psychic connections of any kind, so it seems really unlikely this situation would be an exception. It could be, but it seems way safer to assume no.

  3. I mean, yeah, chances are much much higher we're headed for heat death than a bounce, universe wise, so in that sense it is pretty silly to "what-if" a bounce scenario, but I was trying to relieve OPs anxiety, so I took this part as a given.