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DNathanHilliard t1_j10oee6 wrote

At some point technology is going to have to reach the point of addressing the weakest link or it will never happen. That weakest link is the human lifespan and the inability to put humans in "cold storage." If we're ever able to lengthen one while doing the other, and achieve even half the speed of light, then the nearby stars become within our reach.


heavy_metal t1_j10wmtl wrote

it would take only 30 years to get to the Andromeda galaxy with a 1g ship, that includes stopping. just need an engine capable of 1g acceleration for that long lol. and advanced shielding since hitting even a proton at that speed would be like a nuke going off.


IndyJacksonTT t1_j11102u wrote

Dyson sphere highways, Antimatter, black holes that are tiny. Plenty of options to approach 99% light speed


Rescue-a-memory t1_j10rcmc wrote

This right here. Unless sentient AI ever becomes a thing and decides to figure out a solution or we become cyborgs.


exodus3252 t1_j10s5x9 wrote

IMO, we'd need robotic/AI companions to oversee the mission, and fertilize embryos/raise us once we get there. Either that, or we develop some form of stasis technology.

Can't really see any other way to make a journey that takes hundreds or thousands of years.