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simcoder t1_j22lavc wrote

I think we should limit the amount of nuclear material we put it orbit. I think RTGs are crucial for some applications and we should spend our nuclear material budget on stuff like that rather than nuclear bomb engines and the like :P


TK-741 t1_j22xbpf wrote

This seems like something that would require a few initial rocket stages based on conventional technologies for getting free of Earth’s gravity. This is something I would expect to only be used when well clear of Earth/the Moon


toodroot t1_j237ber wrote

The Russians flew a bunch of nuclear reactors in low earth orbit, for radar satellites. There were multiple accidents, one of which smeared radioactive debris all over northern Canada. One hopes someone has learned something.


dern_the_hermit t1_j22ztsz wrote

Nuclear material is great for probes sent to the outer reaches of the solar system, where A: solar becomes less effective, B: you need stronger broadcasts to transmit data, and C: the danger of errant nuclear material is cosmically unlikely.