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saltywalrusprkl t1_j1h82kc wrote

  1. Mass drivers only really work for light payloads and still need a chemical rocket to get it most of the way because of the atmosphere
  2. There is only one optimal launch point on the earth; the equator.

alternative5 t1_j1h9ive wrote

Wouldnt the orbital hook still require propulsion systems to remain in orbit and yeah a line of Mass Drivers ringing the planet along the equator set up by all global powers was my thinking. This so there is always an optimal launch profile to hit the moon or any established orbit sought.


saltywalrusprkl t1_j1h9ls1 wrote

You’re definitely never getting a direct transfer to the moon using mass drivers. You just need one that can rotate to adjust its inclination, launch payloads into orbit and then perform a TLI burn to get to the moon.


alternative5 t1_j1h9u98 wrote

Yeah, but this would be for efficiency memes. Less fuel to burn in getting to orbit would mean greater payloads. Thats what I thought the benefit of mass drivers would be.


saltywalrusprkl t1_j1hc1o4 wrote

It is, but you don’t need the mass driver at a specific point on the equator to gain launch efficiency bonuses