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The_Paradoxigm t1_j11bvb1 wrote

Those are planes leaving contrails. They're bright because they're reflecting the light from the sunset.


Danysco t1_j11e110 wrote

Do you mean chemtrails?



joejill t1_j11embt wrote

Well actually the exhaust is made up of a kind of chemical...


Relevant-Pop-3771 t1_j11fiog wrote

OMG! Di-hydrogen MONOXIDE!? Alert the Coast-to-Coast Fan base!


joejill t1_j11gplz wrote

They use di-hydrogen monoxide in nuclear power plants.

That shits lethal.


RuKiddin06 t1_j11giev wrote

Aren't contrails from wingtip vortesies? Or is it the engine exhaust?


crimeshowsjunkie t1_j11c9k2 wrote

one of them is going straight up. would be unlikely


DaveFinn t1_j11dhnj wrote

Your perspective is off. It's a plane. It's ok.


Legitimate_Web_7245 t1_j11dwyx wrote

Good Lord.......I seriously hope you're kidding. Maybe pulling a prank on everyone and I fell for it. I hope you aren't serious.


hydrobunny t1_j11f5k3 wrote

yo what are these commercial airplanes over my house


scdog t1_j11g01h wrote

Whenever I see posts like this I wonder if the person asking has just come out of 70 years in a coma and has never seen a passenger jet airplane before.


thepilotboy t1_j11gl3n wrote

You’d be surprised. I can understand how the perspective and lighting could be confusing in this instance.

I’ve got this one girl on my Facebook who has posted a few times pictures of contrails asking what they were (but claiming they definitely aren’t contrails). I tried explaining to her once that they definitely are contrails but she didn’t buy it so I stopped trying after that.


dreamlike_poo t1_j11g87u wrote

These are just airplanes, nothing related to space.


riggrip t1_j11gjs3 wrote

Can I get some of your weed? Those are planes.


abakedcarrot t1_j11f6i2 wrote

"Straight up" one is Delta Air Lines 132 (Airbus A330 DTW to AMS @ ~35,000 ft) and the other one is Delta Air Lines 133 (Airbus A350 AMS to DTW @ 38,000 ft)


space-ModTeam t1_j11gj9y wrote

Hello u/crimeshowsjunkie, your submission "Can anybody enlighten me what are these (satellite/rocket/missile)?" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


[deleted] OP t1_j11bs2t wrote



jungleboogiemonster t1_j11fh69 wrote

It wasn't a launch from Wallops. I live much much closer and have watched many launches. You would have to be pretty close for a launch to look like this. Also, no launch took place on the 20th.


Uriel_dArc_Angel t1_j11frx1 wrote

I see they scrubbed it now...

For some reason instead of mentioning that I was downvoted into

People are so salty tonight...


crimeshowsjunkie t1_j11c2op wrote

Thank you for the answer. I didn't know I could view it from here in Toronto!


Uriel_dArc_Angel t1_j11cg1q wrote

Yeah, the Toronto area was inside the visibility circle of a launch from there about 120 seconds or so after liftoff...

It's surprising how far away you can see those things...

I mean they are going into orbit so it takes a LOT of distance for the curvature of the earth to block the view of an orbital launch...


crimeshowsjunkie t1_j11d2ma wrote

damn that's amazing! thank you for sharing this info. I'm checking their website as I write this


Uriel_dArc_Angel t1_j11dbjj wrote

Yeah, it was supposed to have launched last Sunday but got scrubbed due to weather...


alistair_c00kie t1_j11dv47 wrote

That launch was delayed until January.


Uriel_dArc_Angel t1_j11e6i4 wrote

Did it get scrubbed back again...?


Dawg_in_NWA t1_j11ealf wrote

What launched? The electron launch got moved to January.


Uriel_dArc_Angel t1_j11ewyt wrote

Yeah I just saw that...They were aiming for a 4pm window today so I just figured it went...

Didn't know they scrubbed it again...

Wallops sure does have trouble launching on schedule...

The weather around here