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DeepThroatShrimpies t1_j14vdq9 wrote

We could technically be microscopic intelligent life. Do we really know? Our whole framework of the universe is based on our interpreted scale of it. Maybe there’s some giant life out there we can’t detect, much like tardigrades have no awareness of our existence.


Mary_Pick_A_Ford t1_j14x6qg wrote

Dude, this just made me freak out. So some giant things could someday just discover us and be like ohhh look at this speck of weird stuff that has its own world and community, let’s put them under a microscope and see what’s there. They scrape us out of existence and carry us in a vile to some lab where a giant eyeball 👁️ is now observing us


DeepThroatShrimpies t1_j150sj7 wrote

hits blunt Maybe that’s already happened or is what’s happening with our own Little Rock. I’m not religious by any means but Maybe that’s what some people would consider their god or some version of it.

For real though it’s something I love to think about (that there could be something out there bigger than us we have no awareness of). Patterns of scales exist all throughout the universe. There’s no reason to assume it stops with us. We simply just can’t see whatever is bigger than us or the time scale shift is so slow for bigger things, sentient or not, we don’t notice them change.