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fman84 t1_j1eulwr wrote

4D beings would be outside of time and would not be perceived by us unless they choose to be. I've heard it described such that a 4D being is able to choose when in time it exists and would only be visible when we pass through that moment. It's a hard concept for us to understand much like timelessness or eternity. We live in an existence that is linear and finite. In my personal opinion I feel there is a lot to the universe that we simply cannot perceive due to our limitations. I also cannot prove the existence of 4D beings.


RealCoolDad t1_j1ev7lo wrote

It’s an interesting idea but it’s really just jammed into interstellar to fix the ending and make it happy.


fman84 t1_j1evh8u wrote

I can agree with you on that


nivvera t1_j1ffzov wrote

I feel like it was sadder for him to come back when he did.


Assaltwaffle t1_j1f4hz0 wrote

The Bulk Beings are 5-D, not just 4-D. They are so superior to time that they couldn’t even find a single point in time.


fman84 t1_j1fa77z wrote

What are the bulk beings?


Assaltwaffle t1_j1faias wrote

They’re the “future humans” of the movie. The super-advanced higher dimensional entities we see creating the wormhole and saving Cooper.

They got that name because of how they’re referred to when going through the wormhole.


papajestify t1_j1eycuk wrote

So you’re okay with everything else that happens in the movie (wormhole dropped into the solar system, tesseract, relaying black hole quantum physics by watch hand, escaping black hole gravity near its event horizon, surviving 1,000 ft. Tidal wave, having a functional space craft after tumbling down a 1,000 ft tidal wave) the lot of it, but him being ejected into space, just-in-time style, just really sets you off? :) it’s a movie! It’s a great movie! Chew on the popped corn and enjoy the ride!