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squeevey t1_j1eq4o0 wrote

no one knows what happens inside a black hole. With that, it seems the writers chose to have Cooper basically end up OUTSIDE of time. Because the beings exist outside of time, the beings could reinsert him into time when/wherever.


Explains_Wrong t1_j1ewksh wrote

Kip! Bring me my time thingy!


igcipd t1_j1f1b2e wrote

Dammit Kif! Where's the little umbrella? That's what makes it scotch on the rocks!


Lance-Harper t1_j1ey26f wrote


It is a bit deus ex machina. « A bit » because deus ex machina is an intervention suppose to solve the main plot whilst cooper’s life or death is secondary once he gave the data away.

But yeah, in short, beings able to place a wormhole leading to a black hole are powerful enough to place and replace a human being, that’s a fair assumption


DeBlasioDeBlowMe t1_j1ez8ks wrote

Why wouldn’t they insert him shortly after he left then? To help move the data along, save thousands more lives, and see his family?? They wouldn’t even need to do the watch-data transfer. He could have brought it physically back.


nivvera t1_j1fdpn9 wrote

Because the others enjoy a good plot.

Seriously, it may have been the closest time and place where he could've been rescued before his air ran out. It wasn't until later that a space station was near the wormhole.


XxShArKbEaRxX t1_j1ez1sx wrote

Ok I was under the impression we are the beings


zelenskyysballs t1_j1ezxjn wrote

Yeah, that was my takeaway as well


No-Illustrator4964 t1_j1f05h8 wrote

Same, I feel like the movie deviated from the original script and the beings who were assisting were in fact future humans and not other than human persons.


Lance-Harper t1_j1fp9t5 wrote

It is an open suestion:

  • if it’s future us, the story becomes a grandfather loophole
  • if not, it’s plain linear

But with what the movie gives us, it’s impossible to know


kidcrumb t1_j1eze4f wrote

It's a place of immense gravity.

At the center of a black hole is some kind of singularity, but a person can't go through a Black Hole. You'd just be crushed into the space of an atom.

If you stepped onto a planet with 10000x Earth's gravity all of your bones would break and you'd fall down to the floor and be crushed. A black hole is like that except multiplied by infinity.


SeraphSurfer t1_j1f1hcb wrote

"so you're saying I have a chance"


kidcrumb t1_j1f1mpv wrote

In the off chance you have a device that allowed you to maintain your body mass and create a bubble of gravity around'd still be too big to fit through the singularity.


MrSpindles t1_j1f6ivm wrote

They could have sent him back to before he abandoned and completely ignored the existence of his son. My take on this film was that some kids get stuck with crap dads.

In my head his son is Judd Nelson's character in the breakfast club, a few years later.