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casc1701 t1_j1dl8d2 wrote

Stop with the drugs, they are not good for you.


Hk-Neowizard t1_j1dloix wrote

This genuinely reminded me of how methamphetamine is portrayed in Breaking Bad


Youria_Tv_Officiel t1_j1dmmhb wrote

Are you high or a an early teen with a speech-to-text ?


twohedwlf t1_j1dlkan wrote

Maybe just put these plans on hold until the drugs wear off, then review them again.


vferrero14 t1_j1doxko wrote

Either English is not your first language or you got some good drugs


newest-1 t1_j1du4xw wrote

The fact that people like OP are just walking around in the grocery store or in the checkout line is frankly, scary. Dude stay away from me at the gas station.


Builderbast t1_j1dpv8k wrote

I had a hard time reading this tbh. Not sure if it was the english or how nonsensical that is.


MisterBilau t1_j1e2tjc wrote

Mental illness and being "an idea guy" are not the same thing, my man.


Oehlian t1_j1e6gza wrote

It works for Elon. Well, used to work.


MisterBilau t1_j1ej437 wrote

A person can be both. Elon clearly is. This guy, I suspect, just the first.


ShyBiGuy9 t1_j1e4bhc wrote

Active in communities: r/meth

Well, that's a shocker.


MagnusTheMeek t1_j1dq8ne wrote

Lolz, the gravity pinching almost sounds like an Alcubierre drive. Now I want to hear these other business ideas.


cbelt3 t1_j1e2w8j wrote

It’s been many decades since physics and some rocket design work, but the keys are energy and reaction mass. While children’s toys with pressurized water work for a short flight, the mass involved in a pressure vessel capable of handling enough pressure for orbital flight works against you.


TraceSpazer t1_j1e41qo wrote

Was watching a video on someone flying a brand new jet up as high as it could go. Full afterburners, straight up.

Mentions altimeter is spinning like in "Looney Toons".

Engine caps at 60km due to lack of oxygen.

Says you can see the curvature of the earth. Blue on black.

Google how high space is.

Holy f***


Dude just broke about halfway.

We're gonna need a lot of water rockets.

Back to op though, I kind of like the idea of pressurizing things deep see if we can build an efficient track down/back. (Not necessarily for space ends)

They're looking at underwater pressure tanks as a form of energy storage. Put a bulb on the bottom of the sea. When you have excess energy, pump air into it. (at high pressure.) When you want energy back, run hydro on the water filling it back up.

Neat stuff.

Pressure tank article


space-ModTeam t1_j1e6952 wrote

Hello u/poor_kid_boon, your submission "A solution for Rocket Fuel Emission and $" has been removed from r/space because:

  • Such questions should be asked in the "All space questions" thread stickied at the top of the sub.

Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please message the r/space moderators. Thank you.


UnlikelyCareer522 t1_j1e4bsy wrote

Easier solution sustainable nuclear engines no longer need rocket fuel so once we learn how to create "small suns" itll be easy
