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worstusername_sofar t1_j1ns0as wrote

Like, in picture quality, or the actual objects?


__WanderLust_ t1_j1nt2o5 wrote

I'm assuming they mean if there's been any movement.


Realeron OP t1_j1nw8i8 wrote

Actually I was perhaps naïvely thinking about stars formation. U/diogenes_shadow explanation about the different wavelengths "seen" by Hubble and Webb was appreciated


dblowe t1_j1nyf74 wrote

If you’re looking for movement in deep sky objects, pictures of the Crab Nebula do show it slightly expanding over the decades. This was first noticed by observers in 1921.

The object is an expanding cloud of debris from a supernova that was seen to explode in 1054 AD. A more recent one (SN1987a) has shown dramatic changes over the last 35 years, with more to come.