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Ape_Togetha_Strong t1_j0iko6x wrote

What do you think "what if" means? If a quantum computer could navigate a hypersonic missile, then... a quantum computer could navigate a hypersonic missile.

If you think that quantum computers have some sort of advantage when it comes to communicating across vast distances or through interference, that's not how quantum computers work. I assume you think entanglement allows for communication. It doesn't.

Which is really ironic considering what a smug dipshit you are when replying to people as if they should be able to interpret your stupidly vague question with no detail that's based on a completely false premise.


SoUdontKnowWhoIam t1_j0inn5k wrote

This guy is one of those people that would give you vague directions while working on a project, then huff and puff and act like you’re an idiot for unclear, dog shit instructions… I hope he’s not a manager of something.


[deleted] t1_j0iqmym wrote

whoa chill. Am I missing some comments? But you are right, entanglement is not used or an advantage in quantum computing. The advantage is the leverage of quantum interference to more efficiently solve problems that are too difficult for traditional binary computing. So the evolution of quantum computing will only advance the solution of certain problems. Unless computer scientist can get creative or my understanding of this is flawed.