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LaunchTransient t1_j0ip4kd wrote

You mean the whole "Let's use quantum entanglement as a method of communication" idea? It's not a new idea, I'm afraid.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work because of the basic fundamentals of quantum physics. If you observe one of your entangled pairs, that is you interact with it to take a measurement, you break the entanglement.
There's no way for you to know whether that state it collapsed into was a result of your interaction, or of a manipulation of the entangled partner.

To give an analogy, you have a box which contains a magic ball that changes colour, blue to red, or red to blue if its partner ball is observed, and vice versa. The partner ball is in an identical box held by a friend, and you go to opposite sides of the town and open your boxes. Neither of you know the colour of your ball before opening.

Your ball is red. But is that because your ball was originally red and you just flipped your friend's ball? or is it because your friend opened their box before you and flipped your originally blue ball to red? You don't know without communicating with them, but that defeats the whole purpose of trying to use entangled states to communicate.


armorhide406 t1_j0nt3cb wrote

I wonder if there is a workaround, without sending information but more a matter of assigning meaning. Like red means one thing and blue means another.

And then maintaining strict discipline with who observes and what so you can take it as assumed it wasn't your friend opened your box before you.


LaunchTransient t1_j0pc8r3 wrote

Yeah, but the thing is that you don't know what the colour of the ball is going to be. You can't control that aspect of it. As a result, you don't know if the ball is going to collapse into the state you want it to or not.

Furthermore, due to relativity, what is your timeframe is not necessarily the time frame of another.


ZaxLofful t1_j0it2eq wrote

Have you even read the latest development of wormhole in a quantum chip?

They figured out a method to do the exact thing you are talking about, you are out of date my friend…

The paper talks about how they are able to push information thru another version of space time, essentially another dimension that only this QBits interact with and not us.

Edit: Here is a better explanation of what happened:

^that one talks about how ER = EPR, which is really the most important part of the discovery and how Einstein initially disregarded it^


orbita2d t1_j0iwgun wrote

Quantum teleportation still requires you to send classical information. They didn't send information outside of its light cone.


ZaxLofful t1_j0iy1rt wrote

As far as we are currently aware, there are no limitations on this effect; we understand it more and more everyday…It’s really only a matter of time until someone figures something out.


orbita2d t1_j0izcbu wrote

If you can prove violation of the chronology protection conjecture, I would put a bet on a Nobel prize for you.


ZaxLofful t1_j0izooj wrote

That theory itself states that time travel is possible at small scales…IE Quantum Particles
