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LongjumpingAd5317 t1_j126jrh wrote

A bit of New Age philosophy: you could be a part of creator god who agreed to come to earth to experience non-perfection… Ergo you are simply here to have non-perfect experiences. You’re alive! And you have free will (kinda sorta, but that’s another discussion). As you go through life there will be numerous opportunities to choose different paths and options. Your mind is not trapped so keep it open to new experiences.


StarChild413 t1_j12st0n wrote

> Ergo you are simply here to have non-perfect experiences.

then wouldn't that be turnable into arguing the purpose of life is to fail and never achieve anything great as if we become anything close to perfect creator god (and who did we agree with and how do we know that and that god weren't just part of something even higher) that'd defeat the purpose


LongjumpingAd5317 t1_j13v4ky wrote

Yup we’re here to fail and learn and fail and learn until the Buddhists say we reach Nirvana. So you might as well laugh it off and enjoy the ride