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gerkletoss t1_j2epuhd wrote

The astronauts are near the reactor. They can potentially service it in shirt sleeves.

A meltdown is nearly impossible with current designs, but it would definitely halt ISRU operations until a new reactor could be sent.


BavarianBanshee t1_j2etk7k wrote

You just do it the same way you would service solar panels on the moon.

You bring the stuff with you that you need, and have highly trained personnel do it.

And while there's never a 0% chance of a meltdown, with modern reactor designs, they can make it pretty close to 0%. People are quick to think of events like Chernobyl when talking about nuclear power, but that was a very old type of reactor being used in the worst way possible. You can bet people running a much better designed reactor on the moon are gonna take it a lot more seriously.


dern_the_hermit t1_j2ezk8z wrote

Yeah, even Chernobyl needed them to deliberately shut off safety equipment and run the reactor in an atypical experimental manner before experiencing a catastrophe.


TravestyTravis t1_j2f2182 wrote

Also the moon doesn’t have wind or quakes.


Lyonore t1_j2f2rff wrote

Nor an atmosphere, though, so a lot more meteorites to be concerned with


Triabolical_ t1_j2f8xk7 wrote

Look at the NASA kilopower designs, and the KRUSTY testbed.


Aaron_Hamm t1_j2fplby wrote

I genuinely don't understand how you thought this was a valuable thing to say


cocktimus1prime t1_j2fd3es wrote

It will render moon uninhabitable.


Mad_Dizzle t1_j2fte9p wrote

The moon is already highly irradiated lmao, you're not gonna cause a nuclear winter or anything.