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ReadditMan t1_j4bsw8c wrote

Multiverse Theory is pure science fiction. There is absolutely no hard evidence that multiverses exist, any "science" based around it is built off of nothing but speculation and mathematics that have never been supported by real observations. It's theories based on theories based on more theories, it's not real science.

It's insane to me that scientists are spending their time trying to prove theories that were literally created by science fiction writers. Almost everything we know about the universe we learned through observation and decades of study, we didn't just randomly come up with a fantastical idea and then spend years trying to prove it's a real thing. Time travel, multiverses, simulation theory, higher dimensions; all of that was conceived from science fiction and now because "scientists" have spent decades creating "research" around it people actually think it's real science. None of it is based in reality, those theories formed in an echo chamber where they were carefully crafted into a convincing pseudoscience.


Substantial-Lab-5647 t1_j4bzf71 wrote

In what sense are you referring to a multiverse? Because the many worlds interpretation is a valid phenomenological approach to wave function collapse, and there’s just as much evidence for that as for the Copenhagen interpretation. Consigning something like that to “science fiction” is a bit premature, don’t you think?

Even if you’re referring to other theories of a multiverse, like Roger Penrose’s conformal cyclic cosmology, mathematics is a very valid approach to the world. It’s like you think mathematics doesn’t tell us things about the natural world. We largely developed our quantum field theories by investigating gauge symmetries, so why is developing a theory based on the math of conformal invariance such a stretch? I get that it’s difficult to verify, but “science fiction”? That’s jumping to conclusions for which there is no evidence.


caseyjcannon t1_j4dckge wrote

Math is obviously extremely useful, but just because a mathematical formula exists does not mean that there is an equivalent behavior in reality, particularly one that there is zero real-world evidence to support and is unproveable. Perhaps that will change in the future (though I'd argue it's safe to say it won't any time soon) but at this time it is absolutely ascientific.


karma_aversion t1_j4cafq9 wrote

The various theories point to a multiverse do not all come from science fiction, some are the direct result of observations. Some unexplained patterns to the cosmic background radiation have been attempted to be explained with mutiverse theories, like perhaps the pattern is the remnant of our universe impacting or interacting with another.


HookItUpCuuz t1_j4c79tr wrote

Go pray to Jesus and read your daily bible bread or something


Shiningc t1_j4g13iu wrote

Neither have dinosaurs ever been observed.


Manureofhistory OP t1_j4g5zss wrote

To be fair science fiction can inspire invention, and therefore certain modes of thought. But I do think the multiverse leaves a lot to be desired